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Individualized Education

Private and Group Instruction with Tutors

At Lark Rise Hall, we focus specifically on math and language arts. We strongly believe each child needs individual attention—which is why our ratio of tutors to students is 1:3. Each student will receive 20 minutes of individual instruction from a tutor during math hour, as well as 1 hr+ individual and group language arts tutoring throughout the day.

Students also enjoy several movement breaks, a recess time for a snack (brought from home) and visiting with friends, and optional playtime at the nearby park after 12 p.m. dismissal.

Students will bring their own math curriculum and any writing notebook, and tutors will guide them through their open-and-go math lessons and writing assignments given during class time.

Lark Rise is a social learning experience, where students can enjoy celebrating holidays together with optional class parties (held after regular 12 p.m. dismissal time so those who are not inclined to stay can simply head home before the party). Uniforms are required and a uniform list will be sent to students who are informed of their acceptance.


1-on-1 Time with a Tutor: Each class provides 20 minutes private math instruction, plus 1 hr+ individual and group language arts instruction

Students bring their own notebooks and work on spelling, editing, writing, and general language arts.

Students bring any math curriculum they are working through.

Potential Location - Young Card Room in the historic wing of the Provo City Library

Young Card Room #308 at Provo Library

Nearby Joaquin Park - 8 min. walk from Provo Library